Come, participate and celebrate in International, Inc. 21th Year of organizing dynamic International Workshops: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation and; Advanced RBM, Theory of Change and Deliverology Workshop.
The Task Force on Improving Effectiveness (TaFIE), a collaborative group with Global Affairs Canada in which CAIDP is involved, is launching a call for innovative, solution-focused volunteers for four separate 'Solutions Teams'.
For anyone interested in the issue of corruption, access to justice, collective action, how gender plays out in corrupt systems and/or systems thinking, I was fortunate enough to be granted a slot on the CAIDP conference next week to talk about our corruption in fragile states work – Monday @ 12.15
"I am thrilled to see this collaborative initiative between CAIDP and CCIL!!!
Indeed, it was the potential of the use of law as an instrument for international development that had inspired me to go to law school. The need for a cross-sectoral approach, with gender as a cross-cutting theme, is critically important to the work of both organizations and I hope this initiative will grow into an ongoing partnership for the furtherance of Canada’s contributions towards “A Better World.” "
We explore this question, amongst others, at CAIDP’s 2018 conference, Gender Equality, Inclusive Governance and the Law: Aligned for a Better World – Jan 22nd and 23rd in Ottawa. In the lead up, we have asked Canadian thought leaders to weigh in on what’s in the name. Here, we ask Paul LaRose-Edwards to tell us what he is thinking about.
Help @globalcompactca advance the SDGs by completing the #SDGSurvey2018! By doing so, you will have first access to the survey report and be supporting Canadian private sector SDG research.
I am pleased to inform you that the Department has launched a first call for preliminary proposals as part of the pilot initiative for Canadian small and medium organizations for impact and innovation announced by the Minister of International Development and La Francophonie in May 2017.
For Immediate release
Ottawa, Ontario – Friday, November 24, 2017 - Global Affairs Canada’s Operational Coherence Group recently met with CAIDP representatives to discuss working together as members of the international development community to jointly improve the efficiency of Canadian international assistance programming.
Nous faisons appel aux partenaires communautaires qui souhaitent participer à nos programmes d'engagement communautaire cet hiver 2018! Encore une fois cette année, vous êtes invités à afficher des occasions de placement pour notre programme d'Apprentissage par l'engagement communautaire (AEC) et/ou de Bénévolat parascolaire (BP).
On November 1st Minister Freeland, supported by the Ministers for Justice, Defence, International Development, Immigration, Status of Women and Public Safety introduced Canada's National Action Plan 2017-2022 for implementing the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1325 and subsequent resolutions on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) address women’s challenges in conflict situations and women’s potential to influence global peace and security.