As follow up to our communication in December and earlier this month, the Task Force on Improving Effectiveness (TaFIE), a collaborative group with Global Affairs Canada in which CAIDP is involved, is launching a call for innovative, solution-focused volunteers for four separate 'Solutions Teams'.
Below you will find a brief outline of the work to be done by the 'Solution Teams' as well as short descriptions of the four issues to be addressed.
Please consider the terms of reference and required commitment for Solutions Teams and respond to this email indicating your interest in participating in specific Solution Teams. Virtual participation will be available.
Solution Teams Terms of Reference:
- Solution teams of the TaFIE will be comprised of no more than 8-10 members in total representing partner organizations, a representative of Global Affairs Canada and a member of the steering committee.
- Solution teams will work together collaboratively to fully define a given problem, identify potential causes of the problem, and propose solutions.
- Solutions Teams will be given a two- three week time period where members are asked to intensively work together. The level of effort required will be fairly high for the two to three week period.
- Given the quick turn-around, it is expected that each solution Team will identify one or two specific elements of the problem and make concrete recommendations related to those elements which could streamline processes and improve effectiveness.
TaFIE aims to launch the first Solution Team by the end of January. Three additional solutions teams will follow shortly thereafter. These teams will work on different problems concurrently. Subsequent solutions teams will also be announced at a later date.
Currently, participants are being sought for the following Solution Teams to address the following four topics:
The Agreement Negotiation Process – there will be two solution teams that will be working concurrently on two different aspects of the contribution agreement negotiation process.
1. Content issues
This solution team will examine specific details of clauses that are contained in Global Affairs contribution agreements that could potentially be clarified or may no longer be required.
2. Process for negotiating agreements
This solution team will examine what takes place between partners and Global Affairs from the time between project approval and signing of the financial instrument. The team will look for ways to provide greater clarity on the roles and responsibilities of both parties and identify improvement to the process that could expedite the signing of agreements.
The Application Process
3. Application Process
This solution team will examine elements of the calls for proposals process with a view to improving the predictability and transparency of the process.
4. Reporting
This solution team will focus on ways to improve the clarity and consistency of reporting requirements. This could include work related to the content required in reports, reporting guidelines, and/or templates for results reporting.
The first problem to be tackled is that of Reporting. As you well know, there are several efforts and consultations occurring around reporting at this time, Solutions Team's work will complement these efforts - and GAC is hopeful to bring about significant changes to reporting prior to the end of the fiscal year.
The first Solution Team will be challenged to complete its work, and propose solutions by mid-February.
We thank all the CAIDP members who has already expressed interest in participating, we have taken you into account. But we ask that you still respond to this email to confirm your participation on specific Solution Teams. GAC has requested us to submit names of volunteers by Tuesday, January 23rd.
We will contact you shortly thereafter to confirm your participation in a Solutions Team.
To confirm your participation, please send an email to
You have questions about the Task Force on Improving Effectiveness (TaFIE)?
Talk to Vaughn Lantz and Alan Wilson at the Conference on January 22 and 23.