Thanks to member Keith Ogilvie who sent in this article, which may be of interest to those who like to keep up on international relations.
A new study out of Kenya looks beyond the usual questions to determine the broader impact of protecting a farmer's livestock.
What Does Vaccinating Cows Have To Do With A Girl's Education?
Blended Finance: Understanding its potential for Agenda 2030
Financing the ambitious Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be an enormous undertaking, with a funding gap in developing countries estimated at between US$1.9 trillion and US$3.1 trillion each year between now and 2030. Substantial additional financial resources from both domestic and international sources need to be mobilised, and attention has turned to how to make this happen.
Learn how to evaluate the SDGs to ensure no one is left behind! Download the new guidance and training package
CAIDP actively participated in the Global Affairs’ International Assistance Review process. CAIDP drafted a response on behalf of its members, which was vetted by the Board of Directors and posted on the CAIDP website as a discussion draft for member comments. The final document integrates the comments received and reflects the concerns and ideas of our membership.
Maison Arrimage is a heritage building at 116 Promenade du Portage where CAIDC (before the name change) was located in its early days. Some space is becoming available in the building and we would like to offer it first to international development consultants. Being at the same location could also promote the opportunity for like minded consultants to talk and cooperate with each other more easily.
If you are interested in a space starting in July, please email or call me directly at 613 890-8277 or Melinda at 613 263-0177.
They say death and taxes are the only two sure things in life. Thankfully, CAIDP receives very few questions about the former but a lot about taxes.
CAIDP Member and former Board Vice President John Lazier has published a book "Tropical Forage Legumes Harnessing the Potential of Desmanthus and Other Genera for Heavy Clay Soils" Congratulations John!
I was struck by this article in the Economist in light of the International Assistance Review and the challenges the SDGs place before us as professionals to consider new ideas and different ways of thinking about old problems.
The global context continues to evolve and Canada’s approach to international assistance needs to adapt in response to it. The review will help establish an international assistance policy and funding framework that will be focused on helping the poorest and most vulnerable people, and supporting fragile states, while advancing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.