The Canada's International Assistance Review has been the focus of CAIDP during the last quarter (April-June 2016). CAIDP is keenly interested in the quality of development investments, specifically helping international assistance become more accountable, effective and transparent. For this reason, CAIDP’s submission focuses only on one section of the IAR consultation document—Delivering Results.
CAIDP actively participated in the Global Affairs’ IAR process. Following consultations with its members, CAIDP drafted a response on behalf of its members. This document was vetted by the Board of Directors and posted on the CAIDP website as a discussion draft for member comments. The final document integrates the comments received and reflects the concerns and ideas of our membership.
CAIDP believes that the IAR process being undertaken by Global Affairs is an important step in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of international assistance as well as making it more dynamic and innovative. We strongly support the efforts of Global Affairs in developing clear priorities and new ways forward and offer the following comments to assist with this process.
You can view the document at