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Professional Code of Conduct

In our efforts to improve the quality of Canadian International Development Professionals in the eyes of the world, CAIDP has created a Professional Code of Conduct which, we as an organization, and all our members abide by. These rules are used to guide our actions and ensure the quality of our work is never questioned.

Note that CAIDP members are obliged to have read the Professional Code of Conduct and must adhere to it at all times!

Any issue raised would be discussed by the Ethics, Governance and Privacy Committee. If action is deemed necessary, this will be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee, and will include options for dealing with the issue. If the Executive Committee agrees with the Ethics Committee, the recommended action will be submitted to the Board for a final decision.

Canadian Association of International Development Professionals (CAIDP)

Code of Professional Conduct


The purpose of this Code is to identify the elements of professional conduct to which members of CAIDP commit themselves.  These are intended to protect the client in particular and the public in general. The Code is also designed to identify clearly the expectations of members with respect to other members and the profession. CAIDP strongly encourages every member organization to develop and/or update their code of ethics to complement these guiding ethical norms and values.


Members will maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and personal integrity in all their dealings with their clients and in all assignments they carry out. Integrity implies honesty and fair dealing, while the latter includes respect for the values of diversity, equality and social  inclusion.

Furthermore, members will conduct themselves in a fashion in which all colleagues, clients, stakeholders and beneficiaries of international development are treated with dignity, respect and fairness. Members are specifically prohibited from any activity that would bring the profession of international development into disrepute, including but not limited to discrimination or harassment of any kind.

CAIDP Members will

  1. Compete with fairness and integrity, respecting the competence and work of others in promoting their qualifications, avoid inaccuracies or misleading statements and refrain from adopting any method of obtaining business that detracts from the professional image of CAIDP or its members;

  2. Before accepting an assignment, reach a mutual understanding with the client as to the assignment objectives, scope, duration, work plan, costs and expected outputs;

  3. Give the client a clear understanding of the effect the member’s other commitments and variables that may have an impact on their ability to carry out their contractual obligations to the client;

  4. Not undertake assignments nor make statements which may involve conflict of interest or which may compromise the member’s professional integrity or the interests of the client;

  5. Accept only those assignments that they know they are competent to perform, being forthright in making clear to clients any limits of their experience, capacity and knowledge in the area concerned or any interests which could have an impact on the performance of the assignment;

  6. Provide the contracted services at the best level of their abilities. Members will take into account the diversity of the communities they serve, and in good faith, will embrace diverse perspectives in the strategic planning and ongoing performance of their professional services;

  7. Give the interests of the client highest priority, providing prompt, honest, objective and timely service;

  8. Not make recommendations for the procurement of goods or services to a client from which they may knowingly benefit directly;

  9. Treat all client information as confidential where necessary;

  10. Obey all applicable Canadian and local country laws and accept total responsibility for their actions;

  11. Undertake work without bias as to national origin, race or ethnicity, age, religion or spirituality, disability, sex or gender identity, political affiliation, family or marital status, sexual orientation or economic status, and actively encourage the equitable participation of marginalized people;

  12. Promote policies, procedures, practices and capacity-building aimed at upholding a culture of economic and social equity at home and abroad;

  13. In carrying out any assignment, accept to have their performance evaluated according to an appropriate process and by a qualified person or persons;

  14. Adhere to a global citizenship model that fulfills the members’ economic, legal, and corporate social responsibilities towards stakeholders and beneficiaries.  This includes acknowledging that CAIDP members operate from a position of privilege and have obligations to stakeholders.  It also recognizes members' special commitments to vulnerable segments of society such as children, seniors, women, the economically impoverished, illiterate people, and others who may be substantially disadvantaged.


You can download a copy of the Professional Code of Conduct here.