1. What types of memberships are there?
- CAIDP has four categories of Members. Please go here to read more about these categories.
2. Why should I join CAIDP when I get all the information for free by subscribing to the CAIDP Hub listserv?
- In fact, members get significantly more information than subscribers including the CAIDP Quarterly Bulletin, enhanced posting rights on both the listserv and the website, access to a lot of members only information on the website and members only messages on important news.
3. Do CAIDP members get special benefits?
- YES, CAIDP Members get a broad range of benefits, which offer potential savings that can largely offset the cost of membership. You can read more about the type of benefits here.
4. Do CAIDP members benefit from preferred rates at the Annual Conference?
- CAIDP members benefit from a lower conference fee.
5. Should we decide to become a corporate member, would our firm and website link be included on the "Corporate Members" web page?
- YES if you become a Corporate member, your firm and website link will be included on the "Corporate Members" web page. You will also be able to edit/update it as you wish once you log in into your profile.
- If you are an individual member you can post your profile as well.
6. Are there any other things we should know about Corporate Membership in CAIDP (e.g., as opposed to individual membership)?
- One other difference is that each corporate member is entitled to appoint two (2) representatives – each one with one (1) vote - to attend and act on behalf of the corporation to meetings of Members. As a corporate member you will also be able to post any job opportunities on the CAIDP website in addition to being able to post it to the listserv that goes to over 1,100 subscribers. Otherwise, as CAIDP is run by its member-volunteers, benefits depend a lot of your involvement in CAIDP activities. As a corporate member, you will benefit from networking with other corporate members.
- CAIDP is also often asked for representatives from the industry to attend consultations with the government and IFI, the UN, etc. We usually recommend our corporate members be invited.
7. Can I use the name CAIDP?
- As many tenders look with favor on membership in a professional association, all paid up members are welcome to mention their CAIDP membership in their promotional materials, for example by including the phrase: "Member Canadian Association of International Development Professionals (CAIDP)", and/or "I/we adhere to the CAIDP Professional Code of Conduct". You may also send prospective employers a link to your CAIDP profile.
- Please see (using-caidp-logos) for information on the appropriate use of the CAIDP name and logos.