Latest Job Opportunities
Alinea is looking for a bilingual, (FR/EN) Project Administrator
Alinea is looking for a French speaking Videographer to produce a documentary on Gender Model Family (GMF)
Universalia is seeking a fluently bilingual (English and French), talented, dynamic, values-driven, and detail-oriented Project Analyst. Universalia is looking for someone with experience in: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Results-Based Management (RBM), programme/project evaluation, capacity development, as well as fields such as gender equality, WASH, environment, human rights, etc. If you have experience in any of these areas, we invite you to apply.
Alinea International is seeking the expertise and services of a consultant to work with UCARE’s partner SEND Ghana to produce a Gender Model Family (GMF) Implementation Manual, as well as a Training of Trainers package.
Alinea is looking for a Senior Human Resources Management Consultant, Canada-based, Bilingual (English/Spanish)