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CAIDP-CCIC 2014 Conference - Concept Note


Redefining Development Partnerships:

A New Role for Canadians in Global Equality and Cooperation

Canadian Association of International Development Professionals (CAIDP) and Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC)

2014 Joint Annual Conference – Concept Note


Partnership is central to global development cooperation. Strong principles of partnership, alongside long-term commitment, solidarity and global citizenship, are what distinguish the international development community from other actors. Yet, the changing global cooperation landscape and the wide range of development stakeholders that now occupy this space, are fundamentally challenging and transforming these partnerships.

“Redefining Development Partnerships: A New Role for Canadians in Global Equality and Cooperation” is the focus of the joint Annual Conference between the Canadian Association of International Development Professionals (CAIDP) and the Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC). Over three days, CAIDP and CCIC will bring together their respective memberships and welcome other participants to meet, discuss and learn from each other’s diverse perspectives and expertise.

More specifically this conference aims to:

  • Examine partnerships within current Canadian and international aid and contracting environments;
  • Discuss different types of partnerships and identify the fundamental principles underlying their success;
  • Investigate ways to build and ensure equitable and effective partnerships;
  • Take stock of emerging challenges and opportunities, and what they suggest for our own partnerships;
  • Strengthen participants professionally through improved knowledge of partnering tools and existing opportunities for funding and contracting;
  • Identify tools and strategies to monitor, evaluate, and report-back on partnership impact  


Conference participants will include leading development experts, a diverse range of development stakeholders – including civil society staff and volunteers, consultants, key DFATD officials, and relevant policy makers and academics from Canada and abroad.  


In 2015, the Millennium Development Goals will expire and be succeeded by a new  sustainable development framework. Central to this framework, is the new vision for MDG8 on Global Partnership and development cooperation. As we plan for this new vision of development it is important to examine what is changing within the global cooperation landscape, especially partnerships among and between different actors, including donors and partner country governments, as well as non-state actors, like parliamentarians, the private sector and civil society. How do we ensure that a post-2015 Global Partnership instills and promotes principles of solidarity, equality and equity, democratic ownership, mutual respect and responsibility? What have we learned as a community from previous partnerships? How do we ensure that new partnerships are consistent with human rights standards, and ultimately help eradicate poverty, address inequality and promote social justice? What are the necessary preconditions of such partnerships to realize these goals? Can good partnerships be more than just a means, and be an end? What is the role for Canada and Canadians in all of this? And what opportunities exist for Canadians and Canadian organizations to participate?


A joint CAIDP-CCIC Conference, featuring the following plenaries:

  • The Hon. Christian Paradis, MP, PC, Minister of International Development and Minister for La Francophonie, speaking on “Redefining partnership in the Canadian context”.

  • A keynote address by The Hon. Joe Clark on “Redefining Canadian foreign policy – a new role for Canadians in global equality and cooperation”.

  • A public event debating “Canada Missing in Action? Evaluating Canada’s Role on the International Scene” moderated by Don Martin from CTV’s “Power Play with Don Martin”, followed by a networking reception hosted by DEVEX.

  • Special plenary session featuring expert Southern panelists discussing “Partnerships in a changing global context” including Sering Falu Njie of the UN Millennium Campaign, Kalpona Akter from the Bangladesh Workers Solidarity Center, and  Bianca Suyama, of Articulação SUL, Brazil.