Norman Looker, Vice-President, R.J. Burnside International Limited
Norm has over 30 years of engineering and project management experience, and specialises in the planning, management, engineering and monitoring of water supply and wastewater management projects, as well as projects in many other sectors. He is currently a Vice President with Burnside, a Canadian engineering and environmental consulting firm. He has experience preparing winning proposals for and working on projects funded by DFATD, World Bank, ADB, IDB, AfDB, UNICEF, MCC and other IFIs. He has participated in dozens of oversight and monitoring missions of international development projects, and missions related to business development in the following countries: Bolivia, Peru, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Haiti, Barbados, Botswana, Cape Verde, Ghana, Tanzania, Malawi, Lesotho, Jordan, Cape Verde, and Mozambique. In addition, he has played a key role in project management, technical assistance or business development for several other countries including: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Angola, Uganda, and Ethiopia.