Julian Murray has more than 40 years of progressively more responsible assignments in international development and humanitarian assistance, including 2 years with NGOs or serving as a teacher overseas, 4 years with UNHCR, 26 years on staff with CIDA, and 10 years independent consulting (52 assignments).
Field assignments – 17 years in 41 countries:
1 year in Algeria, 1 year in Malaysia, 2 years in Sudan, 7 years in Indonesia and 3 years in Sri Lanka; as well as 4-6 month assignments in Nepal, Singapore, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Tanzania, and missions or (under COVID) remote assignments in Ukraine x 5, Rwanda x 4, DRC x 4, Pakistan x 4, Turkey x 3, Lebanon x 3, Central African Republic x 2, Haiti x 2, Barbados x 2, Afghanistan x 2, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Trinidad, Dominica, Antigua & Barbuda, South Sudan, Ghana, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, Guinée, Niger, Chad, Burundi, Mozambique, Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Colombia.
Senior Management experience – 18 years:
Nine years serving as a senior management consultant to the Government of Canada, to the UN and to the OAS. Prior to consulting, in CIDA, four years as Senior Director in the Americas, two years as Corporate Secretary in the office of the CIDA President, and five years as CIDA’s most senior executive in Asia (Indonesia and East Timor).
Evaluation consultancy:
Since 2013 conducted 24 humanitarian evaluations and 11 development evaluations, including on the humanitarian side: (1) review of humanitarian protection funding for the Global Protection Cluster (team leader), (2) Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation of Typhoon Haiyan (team member and report editor), (3) evaluation of UNHCR's programme in Turkey (team member and report author), (4) evaluation of the Solutions Alliance (team member and report editor), (5) After Action Review for UNDP of the Ebola response in Guinée and Sierra Leone (team leader), (6) country case study for WFP in Cambodia (team member), (7) evaluability assessment for the Canadian Red Cross (team member and report author), (8) evaluation of UNHCR’s program in Ukraine (co-team leader, quality assurance and report author), (9) evaluation of the crisis response/early recovery outcomes of UNDP’s strategic plan, with case studies in Nepal and Ukraine (team member and component report author), (10) evaluation of the UNDP-led Early Recovery Cluster, with case studies in Central African Republic and Haiti (team leader and report author), (11) After Action Review of UNDP’s response to hurricanes Irma and Maria in the Caribbean (team leader), (12) evaluation of ECHO’s programmes for Syrians in Turkey (co-team leader and report author), (13) evaluation of Canada’s International Humanitarian Assistance (senior advisor) with a Rohingya case study, (14) evaluation of ECHO’s programmes in Central Africa (team member and CAR case study leader), (15) evaluation of EC programming in Turkey (protection expert and quality assurance), (16) the evaluation of WFP’s People Strategy (team member and case study leader), (17) After Action Review UNDP Hurricane Idai (team leader), (18) the evaluation of ECHO’s Ukraine programme 2014-2018 (team leader), (19) performance review of Global Affairs Canada’s Peace and Security programmes in Haiti, Ukraine and Colombia (team leader), (20) the strategic review of Lebanon’s Crisis Response Plan (team leader), (21) the After-Action Review of UNDP’s response to the Beirut port explosion in Lebanon (team leader), (22) QA for the evaluation of ECHO’s response to epidemics, (23) team leader for QA of UNDP AARs including Afghanistan, and (24) review of UNDP’s tension monitoring system in Lebanon.
Strategic planning and project design:
Since 2013, conducted 13 strategic planning assignments (five multi-year country strategies for UNHCR, a management modernisation plan for the OAS, an RBM system for International IDEA, a multi-year strategy for Global Affairs Canada, five management advisory consultancies with GAC), and designed or redesigned five Canadian-funded development projects.
Julian Murray is a graduate of the Carleton University/World Bank International Program for Development Evaluation Training, and a member of the Canadian Evaluation Society.