Jane is a globally experienced executive, strategist, and thought leader with unique experience working at the intersection of public, private, and civil society sectors. She has a strong track record of leadership in private sector engagement in development, inclusive digital economies, youth empowerment, bridging the gender digital divide, strategic alliances, and resource mobilization. She combines a passion for development with strong executive management and strategic planning experience and is known for her leadership of diverse local teams in more than 30 countries. During her 30-year career, she has worked in nearly 50 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, South America, Europe, and the former Soviet Union (FSU). She has been based in Turkey since 2005, working in Executive and Senior Strategic Advisor roles with multiple organizations including UNCDF, Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), IAVE, among others. Jane also served as Vice-President for nearly a decade at a Canadian-based international social enterprise, Digital Opportunity Trust, and also held a VP role at the Canadian International Association for Development Professionals (CAIDP), where she continues as a Board member. Jane is a proactive contributor and thought leader in various international fora, including the World Economic Forum Internet for All Initiative, the ITU-UN Women EQUALS Global Partnership for Bridging the Gender Digital Divide, the GPEDC, global corporate volunteering networks, and other international fora that promote strategic alliances between the public and private sector, digital inclusion and the empowerment of youth and women. Prior to her re-location to Turkey in 2005, she also served as Founder and President of Springtec International Consulting and as a Canadian diplomat involved in the design and delivery of Canadian technical assistance programs in the former Soviet Union. Jane holds an M.A. in International Relations (International Political Economy) from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University. She is fluent in English, with a working knowledge of French, and basic Turkish and Spanish.