Thematic Dialogue
Designing Results Frameworks to Track Progress on Leaving No One Behind
Event Summary
On 29 March 2022, the OECD/DAC Results Community hosted its first Thematic Dialogue on leaving no one behind (LNOB). The Dialogue was co-organised with the OECD/DAC Community of Practice on Poverty and Inequalities and was financially supported by the European Union (EU). The Dialogue explored how LNOB objectives are being integrated into country-level development efforts, with a focus on designing/selecting indicators to track LNOB progress.
During the session, we learned that the majority of development actors are integrating the LNOB principle into strategies, plans and programmes. However, many still face challenges in designing results frameworks to track LNOB progress. The full summary, along with presentations is attached.
In follow up to the event, we would like to request your kind participation in a short survey. This survey kicks off a series of consultations that will inform the development of a guidance toolkit. Participation is an opportunity to showcase your good practices and to highlight where support is needed. Please do forward the survey to relevant colleagues.
Subsequent Thematic Dialogues will be held on climate adaptation and data. More information will be shared shortly. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
The Results Community Secretariat