Alinea est un cabinet de conseil en développement international dont le nom signifie "introduire de nouvelles idées". C'est ainsi que nos experts techniques internes élaborent des stratégies, conçoivent et mettent en œuvre des solutions astucieuses pour relever les défis changeants du monde. Nos équipes de projet travaillent en tant que partenaires, s'appuyant sur des connaissances techniques approfondies et une expérience acquise au cours de 40 années et de 1500 projets pour répondre aux questions les plus urgentes qui façonnent notre avenir commun. Les bureaux d'Alinea sont situés à Calgary, Gatineau, Canberra, Melbourne, Londres et Cape Town.
Membres collectifs
Canadian Leaders in International Consulting Inc. (Clic-Consultants) is an international management consulting company that provides responsive technical assistance and highly specialized capacity building solutions, project management, monitoring and evaluation services, and training programmes to improve governance, strengthen accountability, and achieve results for all clients.
L’une des organisations canadiennes non partisanes et non gouvernementales les plus expérimentées en matière de bonne gouvernance et d’institutions inclusives et responsables, le Centre parlementaire est un leader mondial dans le renforcement de la démocratie parlementaire.
CMF-FMA fournisse des services de conseil dans les domaines de la structuration des investissements, de la diligence raisonnable en matière d'investissement, de la stratégie et de la conception des fonds d'investissement, et de la gouvernance de la gestion des risques/investissements, en lien avec le financement du développement et l'investissement d'impact.
Cowater International est un leader mondial dans le domaine des services de conseil en gestion, fournissant des solutions innovantes et de pointe à des clients du monde entier. Basé à Ottawa et disposant de bureaux à Auckland, Berlin, Bruxelles, Helsinki, Londres, Madrid, Manille, Montréal, Nairobi, Singapour et Stockholm, nous travaillons avec les gouvernements, les organisations partenaires, les communautés et la société civile pour concevoir et mettre en œuvre des solutions durables qui génèrent des impacts sociaux, financiers et environnementaux durables.
Cuso International is a not-for-profit development organization that works to eradicate poverty and inequality. Each year, we mobilize hundreds of volunteer professionals to work alongside local partners to maximize their impact through capacity building.
Established in 1967, Niagara College (NC) has grown to become a leading global college and one of Canada’s most enterprising postsecondary institutions. With a mission to provide outstanding applied education and training for a changing world, and through strategic areas of focus, the College is dedicated to offering a wholistic student experience, academic excellence, global reach, alumni and partner engagement, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and organizational excellence.
The Just Governance Group (JGG) is an international network of consultants from various disciplines who work in human rights, inclusive democratic governance, justice reform, conflict, peace and security with equality rights cross-cutting. Our mission is to contribute to just societies through consulting services with Canadian and international clients and partners. The JGG network operates as a social enterprise by applying a unique business cycle that includes consulting practice, learning and knowledge sharing.
MI International (MII) is the focal point for international initiatives at the Marine Institute. The department’s primary areas of focus are international consulting and project management, building international institutional partnerships and supporting international student recruitment and services.
Project Services International (PSI) is a Canadian international development consulting firm, incorporated in 1990 and located in Canada’s national capital region. It provides a broad array of international development consulting services by attracting and building a core of experienced development professionals and through networks with other small consulting firms. After fifteen years, PSI is a full service firm with a sole focus on international business and development.
Burnside is a progressive, multi-discipline company with a team of over 335 motivated and ambitious professional engineers, scientists, technicians, and specialized support staff, many with advanced degrees and professional certifications. We have been providing our clients with a comprehensive range of skills for over 40 years from Canadian and international office locations.
SALASAN is an award winning Canadian consulting company with considerable corporate experience in executing multi-stakeholder projects as well as monitoring and evaluation around the world. In operation since 1982, the company has completed over 400 projects around the world.
Sumar + Associates is a specialized global consultancy supporting private, public and not-for-profit clients to establish and/or expand their global footprint in emerging markets by leveraging our depth of expertise and results-driven experience – in Canada and abroad. Sumar + Associates drives sustainable, triple-bottom line growth for our clients through three practice areas:
- Strategy + Growth;
- Engagement + Diligence;
- Management + Operations
Fondé en 1980, TFO Canada est un organisme non-gouvernemental sans but lucratif qui affronte le défi de la pauvreté mondiale en promouvant le développement économique durable à travers des informations, des conseils et des contacts d'exportation. TFO Canada facilite l'accès au marché canadien et partage l'expertise commerciale canadienne pour le bien des petits exportateurs dans les pays en développement.
Depuis 1980, Universalia aide ses clients à améliorer la performance de leur organisation et de leurs programmes, ainsi que celle de leur personnel.
Active, engagée et investie, Universalia est guidée par des valeurs d’excellence, d’équité, de diversité, de respect, de travail d’équipe et de résolution de problèmes novatrice.