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Sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector / L'exploitation et les abus sexuels dans le secteur humanitaire

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 02 August 2018

Many of you will have seen media coverage of the report of the International Development Committee of the British House of Commons which found that “sexual exploitation and abuse are endemic among charities, UN peacekeepers and aid agencies.” Although media reports indicate that Canadian aid and development organizations were not implicated in these scandals, this report reflects poorly on our entire community.


Letter to Canadian partners - Lettre aux partenaires canadiens

Submitted by nicko2 on 01 August 2018

Letter from the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie regarding the collective responsibility of all stakeholders working in international development to prevent and mitigate the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Lettre de la part de l’honorable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Ministre du développement international et de la francophonie, concernant la responsabilité collective de toutes les parties prenantes œuvrant dans le développement international pour prévenir et atténuer le risque d'exploitation et d'abus sexuels
