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IAF Certified Professional Facilitator
Certified Training and Development Practitioner
I want to live in a world where people come together to listen for possibility, co-creating the new life-serving society that wants to emerge. An international workshop facilitator, I facilitate strategic conversations and multi-stakeholder collaborations toward a better furture; train professionals in how to create high-impact, rights-based programs for children; and help inspire leaders to find the creativity and courage to respond to the current global crisis. I also work one-on-one with change makers to help them find clarity with big decisions, tough choices, crossroads and new beginnings. Depending on the needs of the moment, I partner with trusted facilitator and trainer colleagues. I often work in inter-cultural contexts, whether in my home base of Toronto or abroad in the US, Latin America, Africa, or Asia.
Capacity Development
Civil Society and Institutional Strengthening
Community Development
Conflict Resolution, Peace and Security
Organizational Development
Participatory Approaches
Project Planning and Design
Results Based Management
Strategic Planning
Technical Advice
Membership in Professional Societies
International Association of Facilitators (IAF), The Learning and Performance Institute, The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children, The Centre for Social Innovation