I'm a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with over 15 years of professional experience in the health and international development sectors, managing and leading projects in Canada, Sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia. Currently, I build relations and partnerships in Canada and internationally to develop strategic opportunities for funding of locally led, inclusive and sustainable access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene.
Prior to joining WaterAid, I worked for NGOs and academia managing projects in areas of health system strengthening, health services and research, health promotion, community development, sport for development and youth development. Equity, inclusion and gender equality have been key themes throughout my work and I continue to promote the right to health along with community-led development and local ways of knowing and doing. I draw on my multi-disciplinary background in my aim to facilitate collaboration between practice, policy and research and between different sectors/disciplines to address social inequalities and improve health and well-being.