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Training for Ukrainian Parliament on gender analysis of draft laws

Date of Publication
Application Deadline
Parliamentary Centre
Brief Description

The Consultant will prepare the following:

  1. Develop an agenda for a training session on the EU and international experience in parliaments’ roles in conducting legal gender analysis of draft legislation. 
  2. Prepare the related study materials and provide them before the training (for translation and dissemination amongst trainees).
  3. Facilitate a  3-hour training course in person or in a hybrid format in the second half of September 2024 to:
  • Introduce participants to the requirements, practices, methodology, and steps for conducting a legal gender analysis of draft laws in an EU member state.
  • Explain to the participants what is expected of them in the context of EU accession while introducing reforms to develop and institutionalize the capacity to apply gender analysis to the draft laws.


Ideally the expert will be aware of, and will cover during the training, the existing practices and commitments by the executive branch in Ukraine and how they connect to the roles of parliament in the legislative process.

Interested candidates should send a letter of interest outlining related experience and planned methodology, a CV, and a financial offer, including a proposed daily rate and estimated level of effort, to by September 10th, 2024. 

Attachment (optional)