- growth in total factor productivity has slowed;
- the demographic dividend is being eroded by low-wage competitors;
- trade costs remain comparatively high;
- its exports remain labour-intensive and low value-added;
- the benefits of economic growth are unevenly spread among its 58 provinces – 15% of the population, living in remote or rural areas, carry the burden of 50% of national poverty;
- women are disproportionately represented in subsistence farming, in low-skilled, precarious employment and in the informal economy, and;
- women remain underrepresented in senior management and the political class.
- Applicants for this assignment must have extensive experience in trade remedies, including direct experience in anti-dumping, countervailing measures and safeguard investigations, verifications, and dispute settlement procedures.
- A thorough knowledge and understanding of CPTPP disciplines in trade remedies is also required.
- Experience in the conduct of trade remedy actions in both the public and private sector will be an asset.
- Experience in the design and delivery of training on trade remedies would be an asset.
- Experience in the delivery of TA related to trade remedies would be an asset.
- Fluency in Vietnamese would be an asset.
- The EDM includes a core focus on gender and social inclusion as well as on environmental issues associated with trade activities. The approach to TA related to both of these topics is included in guidance documents that are available to both TA applicants and Technical Experts. Integrating such analysis will form a core part of the mandate of the TA provider therefore any prior experience in the provision of TA on gender equality and social inclusion and environment will be viewed as a strong asset
- Mission plan – including a mission schedule, list of meetings and planned activities
- The Consultant will develop a refined detailed activity workplan. This plan will consist of:
- An overall implementation plan, including identifying additional technical experts as required to support delivery of all activities, activity timelines, and proposed budgets (level of effort and costs associated with training workshops to be included), and;
- A performance measurement approach, including specific performance measures to evaluate the success of the activities.
- Final activity report as per EDM report guidelines (see below)
1. General context and broad objective(s) of the project
2. A summary of the project approach and specific activities
3. Expected and unanticipated challenges in the delivery of the project
4. Project results, including the anticipated longer-term outcomes and impacts
5. Sustainability of project results
6. Project contribution to social inclusion and sustainable development
7. Recommended performance management framework and specific performance measures
8. Recommended next steps in the implementation of the CPTPP in Vietnam, including future EDM deployments
9. Lessons learned for future EDM interventions
1. Describe your specific approach to implementing this TA.
2. Describe your project management and monitoring strategy for the implementation of the activities.
3. Indicate all personnel who are being proposed to implement this project and what their roles and responsibilities will be. Please include all their CVs.
4. Provide estimate LOE and consulting rates for principal(s) implementing the project.
1) On our Career Page and,
2) To Vicki Campbell, EDM Program Manager, at vicki.campbell@cowater.com.
Additional details can be found here: /sites/caidp-rpcdi.ca/files/jobs/EDM_Vietnam_Trade%20Remedies%20Expert.pdf