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ProServices threshold

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 04 December 2020

Dear Proservices

Under the former NAFTA rules, there was un upper (NAFTA) limit to the use of Proservices. However, since the end of that agreement, I cannot find information on the new Proservices limits (if any). Can you please direct me towards where I can find info on this (i.e. any new upper contracting limits using the Proservices mechanism for contracting in the 100-150k range)?


Effective July 1, 2020, the ProServices threshold is now up to $100K and this includes all applicable taxes, travel expenses and amendments. 

All ProServices requirements must now be below the Canada Korea Free Trade Agreement ($100K)

You can find this information at the following links

ProServices Web Page

Guidance for clients—ProServices:

Trade Agreements:


Kind Regards,

ProServices Team  | Équipe de ProServices

Direction de la modernisation des systèmes d’approvisionnement | Procurement Systems Modernization Directorate

Secteur de la gestion l’approvisionnement en services et en technologies (SGAST) / Direction générale de l’Approvisionnement | Services and Technology Acquisition Management Sector (STAMS) / Procurement Branch

Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada (SPAC)/ Gouvernement du Canada | Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) / Government of Canada