As CAIDP members you have free download access to the OECD-DAC i-Library. The DAC Results Community Summer 2023 Briefing contains a number of new publications that are useful for international development professionals including:
New OECD Toolkit on Effective Results Frameworks
The toolkit Impact by Design: Effective Results Frameworks for Sustainable Development offers tailored advice for governments, development co-operation agencies and implementing partners to improve the focus on results and maximise collective impact on the ground. It builds on extensive exchanges with members on how to best align to the Guiding Principles on Managing for Sustainable Development Results as well as on four years of case studies and inclusive dialogues with 58 development co-operation agencies and 11 partner countries. If you missed the global launch, check out this video recording.
Speaking the same language
Reflecting learnings from the past 20 years, the new edition of the Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results-Based Management for Sustainable Development incorporates the redefined DAC evaluation criteria, as well as new thinking and know-how accumulated within the OECD/DAC Results Community over the years. Encourage the use of this glossary within your organisation, for training and for practical work – including during project or policy design, monitoring, programme implementation and management, and evaluation. Available in English, French and Spanish. The team is happy to engage with members in further translations to your national language(s).
Ensuring a Human Rights and Gender Equality Lens in Evaluations
This new guidance (Applying a Human Rights and Gender Equality Lens to the OECD Evaluation Criteria) offers in-depth practical guidance to address the inconsistencies and gaps in integrating human rights and gender equality principles in international development evaluations, and to enhance the evaluation criteria in reflecting these principles effectively. These insights are equally useful for results planning and monitoring.