MI International (MII) is the focal point for international initiatives at the Marine Institute. The department’s primary areas of focus are international consulting and project management, building international institutional partnerships and supporting international student recruitment and services.MI International main page
Through MII, the Marine Institute engages in development projects, contract training and consultancies across the globe that vary in size and length from short consultations to multi-year, multi-partner projects.
Understanding and responding effectively to the requirements of our clients and funding agencies is crucial to the success of MII and our partners. Our multi-disciplinary approach to international engagements brings together experienced sector specialists drawn from the four-hundred plus professionals at the Marine Institute, as well as additional expertise from Memorial University and our external associates.
Furthermore, our world-class training and applied research facilities are complimented by a network of local and international partner organizations and consultants with whom we strive to collaborate to deliver optimal results.
For over 30 years, MII has successfully implemented more than 200 projects in over 50 countries, making the Marine Institute one of the most internationally active institutes in Canada. Our clients have included multilateral development banks, governments, aid agencies, consulting firms and the private sector.