About Alinea International
Alinea provides technical and management expertise that helps people improve their lives. Working to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, our mission is to catalyze opportunity as partners. We provide our best people and expertise to contribute to economic, social and environmental development - creating verifiable and sustainable change.
Localization is at the core of all we do. We work with developing country partners at the outset to define goals and indicators, as well as at regular intervals throughout the project lifecycle. Key characteristics of Alinea’s approach include: teamwork, results-based project design, sustainability, participatory methodologies, and local input and ownership.
Founded in 1986, Alinea's work has expanded to cover a wide range of countries, sectors and a global portfolio of clients. In addition to Canada, the Alinea Group includes leading international development consultancies in Australia, Europe and the UK.
Our service areas include: Governance, Peace & Security; Prosperity & Growth; Gender, Health & Education; Climate Change, Humanitarian Resilience & Response; Migration & Urbanization; and Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning.
Our global team has extensive experience designing, implementing, managing, monitoring and evaluating international development projects for Global Affairs Canada; UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office; Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; European Commission; World Bank; Asian Development Bank; Inter-American Development Bank; United Nations; UNICEF, and more.
Alinea is committed to achieving concrete progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As part of our commitment to building a brighter shared future, Alinea is proud to sign on to the following internationally-recognized commitments:
B.Corps: Alinea’s international development consultancy in Australia is B Corp certified.
UN Global Compact: Alinea is a proud and committed member.
SME Climate Hub: Alinea understands the urgent need to take steps to safeguard the environment and protect our shared future, which is why we are charting our own course to becoming a net zero business.