What We Are Reading
Finance for the poor
Finance for the poor - Your inflexible friend
Microlending is booming once again. If it is to help people out of poverty, though, it needs to work much better
Crowd Funding Kiva
The World’s Banks and the Next Billion
A Conversation With Bob Harris: A Multi-Talented Genius Responsible For Funding Thousands Of Dreams
Interesting insights on the legacy of Shimon Peres
The Centre for International Policy Studies has published this interesting blog piece on the legacy of Shimon Peres as a peacemaker and as one of the main architects of Israel’s defence cabability.
Development Impact Bond for Resettling Syrian Refugees
Those who attended the financing for development session at last May's Conference will have heard about development impact bonds, among other mechanisms. Covergence, which provided one of the speakers, has announced a new grant for a feasibility study to Kois Invest to explore a development impact bond that will fund a number of interventions aimed at improving the welfare of Syrian refugees in cooperation with neighboring host countries.
Canada will be more present in Africa according to Minister
Address by Minister Bibeau on the occasion of the annual review of Canada's bilateral cooperation program with Senegal
August 30, 2016 - Dakar, Senegal
Hunter McGill, well known expert on humanitarian issues has written an interesting article on the refugee crisis and the global response.
Tony Clement Wants To Monitor All Canadian Charities For Terror
OTTAWA — Canadian charities are sounding the alarm after Conservative party leadership candidate Tony Clement said he wants to monitor the activities of all charities to ensure that they are not contributing to radicalization or terrorism.
It will take more than a mine to change DRC
The Economist asks if an ambitious and risky mine developed by Alphamin Resources, a Canadian-funded companycan make a difference in eastern Congo.