Taxes are complicated for Canadians working overseas, and the average Canada Revenue Agency employee is not going to be able to answer your questions. As a result many subscribers contact the CAIDP-Hub every year looking for advice.
CAIDP's accountant John Lunn has provided advice for handling UN income, which is the most common question. As CAIDP paid for this advice on behalf of members it is posted on the members portion of the website. If you are a member sign in and go to
If you are not a member, we urge you to consider membership.
The best advice we have from our accountant is every individual is different, contracts are different, and this can mean that the tax treatment is different. Check with an accountant who specialises in dealing with international income.
For non-members we have posted past posts by members on the Forum at:
These posts reflect the experiences of other development professionals but should not be relied on as a substitute for professional advice.