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Highlight the impact of student's community engagement

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 16 March 2018

Dear Community Partners, 

Community Service Learning (CSL) Awards for Outstanding Achievement

Deadline: April 1st

Were you inspired this past Fall 2017 or Winter 2018 by a CSL student’s exceptional motivation towards your organisation and placement objectives? Did you benefit from a CSL professor’s support and contribution towards your mandate as well as the students’ learning?  

Highlight a CSL student* or CSL professor’s** contributions this current academic year by nominating them for the Community Service Learning (CSL) Award for Outstanding Achievement by April 1, 2018! Please refer to our website for more information on the nomination process and the submission form.  

* The winning student receives a $500 award, as well as an additional $500 to direct towards a Community Partner participating in the CSL program.

** The winning professor receives $ 500 to direct towards a community organization participating in the CSL program.

Marcel Côté Leadership in Community Service Award

Deadline: April 1st

An enthusiastic volunteer, Marcel Côté firmly believed that helping others was an integral part of the student experience. Each year, the Marcel Côté Leadership in Community Service Award recognises one student who has demonstrated leadership excellence in the development and implementation of a community service program or project. 

Submit your student nomination by April 1, 2018!



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Photo : The 2016-2017 Award winners - Professor Rebecca Tiessen, Hermona Kuluberhan and Kedous Mekbib.

Michaëlle-Jean Centre for Global and Community Engagement | Centre Michaëlle - Jean pour l'engagement global et communautaire | 550 Cumberland, Room TBT304, University of Ottawa


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