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A propos
I am a Regional Development Planner with more than 25 years of experience working on International Development projects. My field experience is primarily in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. I also have dated experience in Anglophone West Africa.
I am currently looking for short-term contracts or long-term assignments.
Key words reflecting my experience include:
- environmental governance;
- natural resource management / environmental management;
- rural development;
- strategic environmental assessment;
- regional development planning;
- social, economic and environmental assessment'
- capacity development for the above;
- development aid project management, planning, reporting;
- environmental governance;
- natural resource management / environmental management;
- rural development;
- strategic environmental assessment;
- regional development planning;
- social, economic and environmental assessment'
- capacity development for the above;
- development aid project management, planning, reporting;
The projects that I have worked on have emphasized:
- Poverty Alleviation through the management of natural resources for community livelihoods and regional economic development;
- Natural resource management for sustainable livelihoods; and food and water security;
- Community environmental management emphasizing waste management and sanitation and health through provision of potable water and access to health services.
- Environmental governance;
- Poverty Alleviation through the management of natural resources for community livelihoods and regional economic development;
- Natural resource management for sustainable livelihoods; and food and water security;
- Community environmental management emphasizing waste management and sanitation and health through provision of potable water and access to health services.
- Environmental governance;
Throughtout my career, I have worked directly with communities utilizing participatory methodologies to assess conditions and make recommendations to direct policy and development activities. I have also worked with Governmental Agencies to raise capacity for good governance.
Développement des capacités
Développement communautaire
Gestion des ressources naturelles
Gestion de projet
Design et planification de projets
Gestion axée sur les résultats
Développement rural
Planification stratégique
Approvisionnement en eau et assainissement