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Collective Action as a strategy to fight corruption - new findings

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 19 janvier 2018

We have recently come to an end of a 2 year, collective action effort in Lubumbashi, DRC to diminish corruption in the criminal justice system.  We commissioned a Final Review (though it was evaluative, it was not a formal program evaluation) and have blogged (in English) about it’s core findings.   In a nutshell, a strength in numbers strategy amongst power-holders (duty bearers) diminished acts of corruption – but we were not in-play long enough so substantively alter the system of corruption.  The full report (in French) is also available on-line – see link in the blog. 

For anyone interested in the issue of corruption, access to justice, collective action, how gender plays out in corrupt systems and/or systems thinking, I was fortunate enough to be granted a slot on the CAIDP conference next week to talk about our corruption in fragile states work – Monday @ 12.15. Please excuse the promo, but I would be very interested in connecting to folks in Canada working on similar issues.


Best Cheyanne

Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church

Check out: Corruption in Fragile States Blog

Besa: Catalyzing Strategic Change

Professor of Practice, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

T: 1-403-460-1951   S:cheyannealexa 


Calgary, Alberta Canada

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