On March 14th in Ottawa, CAIDC member Larry Hendricks of Hendricks and Associates, and Richard Beattie, President of the Board of CAIDC shared their years of experience consulting in International Development with nearly two dozen youth interested in "getting into the field". This was the first time the event was held.
The idea came from a guide to international development consulting written by the event's speaker Larry Hendricks entitled "So you want to be development consultant?". It is available, free for download in CAIDC's forums (link here). Notes from the event have also been prepared for the benefit of those who attended. They are attached to this post.
The discussion dealt with a wide range of topics: how CIDA and other aid agencies operate and especially how they select and contract services; sources of information on international development opportunities; databanks in which it's advantageous to register; education or experience that would be valuable in helping position yourself for international development work; and, the importance of marketing and cues on writing a c.v. that will grab a reader's attention.
Given the great feedback and interest in this type of event, it's only a matter of time before CAIDC looks to replicate it in the near future or in the lead up to the Fall conference in September.
Stay tuned for more!
CAIDC Secretariat
Are you a senior consultant in international development and CAIDC member in-good-standing who is looking for ways to "scale" your approach to helping youth as they try to get into the field? Why not sign up to host/moderate/attend a future "So you want to be a development consultant?" If this appeals to you, then please send an email to caidcrccdi@gmail.com outlining your interest and expertise. We'd be happy to work with you!