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CBD Secretariat Webinar on KM-GBF

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Dear CAIDP members, 

As many of you already know the CBD's COP 15 was held in Montreal in December 2022 and Canada played a pivotal role in helping countries reach agreement and adopt a very ambitious agenda to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity. The goals of the Kunming-Montreal global Biodiversity Framework to be achieved by 2050 include halting human-induced species extinction, the sustainable use of biodiversity, equitable sharing of benefits, and closing the biodiversity finance gap of $700 billion per year. The twenty-three targets to be achieved by 2030 include conserving 30 per cent of land and sea, restoring 30% of degraded ecosystems, halving the introduction of invasive species, and reducing harmful subsidies by $500 billion/year.

Target 20 of the KM-GBF calls for enhancing capacity development, technical and scientific cooperation and tech transfer to support countries in their efforts to achieve the 2030 targets. Parties adopted a number of other decisions to support implementation. In decision 15/8 countries agreed to establish a technical and scientific cooperation mechanism which will consist of a network of regional and sub-regional support centres around the world that will facilitate technical and scientific cooperation. 

The CBD Secretariat has invited organizations that would be interested in hosting a regional and or sub-regional support centre to submit an expression of interest. A webinar will be held on August 31 to provide information to interested organizations.  Additional information along with a link to register for the webinar can be found here



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